Wyoming - Cheyenne Holdings Entity Structure

Wyoming - Cheyenne Holdings Entity Structure

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The Strategic Placement of Hive Holdings LLC in Cheyenne, Wyoming

At Hive Holdings LLC, the decision to establish our base in Cheyenne, Wyoming, was made with meticulous care and foresight. Our goal is to ensure that our limited partners and participants enjoy the best possible environment for their investments. Cheyenne, the capital city of Wyoming, offers a unique combination of legal protections, business-friendly policies, and strategic advantages that align perfectly with our commitment to safeguarding anonymity, securing assets, and maximizing prosperity.

Anonymity and Privacy at the Core

Wyoming is renowned for its strong privacy protections, making it a preferred jurisdiction for those who value discretion. The state allows for the formation of anonymous LLCs, meaning the identities of the company’s owners and managers are not publicly disclosed. This legal framework aligns perfectly with our commitment to protecting the identities of our limited partners, allowing them to participate in Hive Holdings LLC with the confidence that their privacy is secure.

A Republican State with Pro-Business Policies

Wyoming’s political landscape is firmly rooted in conservative, Republican principles, fostering a pro-business environment that encourages growth and innovation. The state’s government is committed to maintaining low taxes, minimal regulation, and a legal system that prioritizes the rights of businesses and individuals alike. This political stability ensures that Hive Holdings LLC can operate with confidence, knowing that the state’s policies will continue to support our mission.

Wyoming’s Advantages for Limited Partners

For our limited partners, Wyoming offers several key benefits that make it an ideal location for Hive Holdings LLC. The state has no corporate income tax, no franchise tax, and no personal income tax, allowing our partners to enjoy the fruits of their investments without the burden of excessive taxation. Additionally, Wyoming’s asset protection laws are among the strongest in the United States, providing an extra layer of security for the assets under our management.

Involvement with Goldback Notes and Legal Tender in Wyoming

Hive Holdings LLC is already involved with Goldback Notes, a unique form of currency that Wyoming recognizes as legal tender. Wyoming has enacted laws to protect savings and capital in gold, ensuring that our partners’ wealth is not only preserved but also legally safeguarded. This alignment with Article 1, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution, which stipulates that no state shall "make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts," reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of financial integrity and protection.

Why the United States, Specifically Wyoming, Over Canada

When considering the best location for Hive Holdings LLC, we weighed the options between Canada and the United States. While Canada is a subsidiary corporation of USA Inc., the legal and regulatory environment in the United States, particularly in Wyoming, offers superior protections and opportunities. The U.S. Constitution, with its robust trust laws and logical legal framework, provides a more reliable and investor-friendly environment than Canadian alternatives. By basing our operations in the United States, we leverage these legal protections to the fullest, ensuring that our limited partners benefit from the best possible legal and financial environment.

The Strategic Choice of Cheyenne, Wyoming

Cheyenne, as the capital of Wyoming, offers several strategic advantages. It is a hub of economic activity in the state, with excellent infrastructure, access to a skilled workforce, and a growing economy that supports businesses of all sizes. The city’s location near the heart of the United States ensures easy access to major markets, both within the country and internationally.

Furthermore, Wyoming’s commitment to preserving the integrity of its business environment, along with its recognition of Goldback Notes as legal tender, makes it an ideal place for Hive Holdings LLC to thrive. The state’s legal system is designed to protect the rights of businesses and investors, ensuring that our limited partners can invest with confidence, knowing that their interests are safeguarded.

Comprehensive Report on Wyoming for International Investment Fund

General Considerations

Business Climate:

  • Tax Environment: Wyoming offers no corporate or personal state income tax and has low property taxes, creating a highly favorable environment for businesses.
  • Regulatory Environment: The state’s minimal regulations foster an attractive environment for both startups and established businesses.
  • Legal Framework: Strong asset protection laws and privacy protections further enhance Wyoming’s appeal for businesses and investors.

Geopolitical Situation

Political Climate:

  • Stability: Dominated by conservative, Republican leadership, Wyoming provides a stable and predictable policy environment that favors pro-business legislation and deregulation efforts.
  • Economic Dependencies: The state’s economy relies heavily on natural resource extraction (coal, oil, natural gas), agriculture, and tourism, with ongoing efforts to diversify into renewable energy and technology sectors.

State Highlights

Economic and Industrial Insights:

  • Gold and Silver: Wyoming recognizes gold and silver as legal tender, supported by a state-run precious metals depository that ensures safe storage and trading of these assets.
  • Agriculture: The state boasts significant land available for agricultural use, supporting major products like cattle, sheep, hay, barley, sugar beets, and wheat.
  • Energy Sector: Wyoming is a major producer of coal, oil, and natural gas, with increasing investment in renewable energy projects, particularly in wind and solar.

Infrastructure and Education:

  • Telecommunications: Wyoming is enhancing its rural telecommunications infrastructure to support both business and residential needs, expanding high-speed internet access across the state.
  • Education: The University of Wyoming, the state’s flagship public university, offers diverse programs and research opportunities, complemented by a strong K-12 education system focused on STEM and vocational training.

Airspace and Aeronautics:

  • Airports: Multiple regional airports facilitate domestic travel and business logistics, while the state supports general aviation with various airstrips and facilities.

Demographic and Social Insights:

  • Population: Wyoming’s population is predominantly white, with a strong sense of community and civic engagement.
  • Cost of Living: The state enjoys one of the lowest costs of living in the Rocky Mountain region, making it attractive for both residents and businesses.
  • Crime Rate: Wyoming boasts one of the lowest violent crime rates in the United States, contributing to a high sense of safety and community.

Cultural Values:

  • Gun Ownership: Reflecting Wyoming’s cultural values, the state has the highest gun ownership per capita in the nation, with regulations focused on restricting firearms in specific public places.

Specific Considerations for Investors

Economic Incentives and Opportunities:

  • Incentives: Wyoming offers various state programs that provide financial incentives, grants, and tax exemptions to attract and support businesses.
  • Tourism: Proximity to Yellowstone and other national parks drives tourism and related investment opportunities, particularly in outdoor recreation.

Real Estate:

  • Residential and Commercial: The affordable housing market presents growth potential, while the demand for commercial real estate is growing due to population expansion and business growth.

Regulatory and Social Considerations:

  • Open Range Ownership: Wyoming’s extensive open range land is suitable for agricultural, recreational, and residential purposes, supported by state laws that benefit agricultural investments.


Wyoming presents a business-friendly environment with a tax and regulatory landscape that supports growth and investment. The state’s political stability, economic strengths in mining, agriculture, and tourism, and the legal tender status of precious metals make it an attractive destination for international investment. With improving telecommunications, robust education, and supportive infrastructure, coupled with a low cost of living and strong community ties, Wyoming is well-positioned to offer diverse and profitable investment opportunities.

Privacy. Security. Prosperity.

These are the cornerstones of Hive Holdings LLC’s philosophy. By choosing Wyoming as our home, we have ensured that our operations are rooted in a state that values and upholds these principles. Privacy is maintained through robust anonymity protections, security is enhanced by strong legal frameworks and gold-backed savings options, and prosperity is fostered by a business-friendly environment that allows our partners to thrive.


The decision to base Hive Holdings LLC in Cheyenne, Wyoming, was not made lightly. It reflects our commitment to providing our limited partners with the best possible environment for their investments. With strong privacy protections, a pro-business political climate, legal tender laws recognizing Goldback Notes, and a strategic location that offers unparalleled legal and financial advantages, Cheyenne stands as the ideal home for our operations. By choosing Wyoming, we have ensured that Hive Holdings LLC is positioned for long-term success, with a foundation that is as solid as the state’s commitment to protecting our partners’ interests.

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