888 Private minister Cooperative

Vision Statement

"Our vision is to create a an interconnected community where individuals from diverse backgrounds come together under a shared faith. We aim to build a vibrant cooperative society that embraces natural law, off-grid living, and permaculture designs. We envision a purposeful community where each member has a place and purpose.  Each cooperative member has an equal voice, equal share, and equal rights, fostering an environment of mutual respect, enlightenment, and prosperity through privacy and security of all.

Mission Statement

"Our mission at 888 P.m.C is to unite people as ministers in various fields, from spirituality to agriculture, health, and technology. We strive to provide a nurturing space for learning, worship, healing, and personal growth. Through our model of shared responsibility and collective decision-making, we aim to ensure the efficient allocation of resources for our operational needs and investment opportunities. Guided by our belief in the supreme Creator, we uphold the principles of Trust Law, Equity Law, Common Law, and God's Law to navigate our collective journey."

888-P.m.C is a Private, ministers, Cooperative.

We are a private and vetted people of various backgrounds, cultures, nationalities & skill sets.

We honor and have deep faith and respect for our creator/God. We have no rules, no figure heads, no central leaders, no majority share holders, we are led by & encourage guiding principals for our ministers.

We are a group of Living Men and Women who are united ministers who work collectively within our larger cooperative to bring opportunity, solve challenges, while administering remedy. We seek enlightenment and are constantly in seminary if we are not ministering. We are all students and provide seminary for any of our ministers in training.

Some are ministers of God, while others are ministers of Health, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Culture, Technology, Communications so on and so forth. We are united in our belief & faith of our supreme creator.  We apply as per needed:

  • Natural Law
  • Gods Law
  • Trust Law
  • Equity Law
  • Common Law


We are selecting our first council of 13 who's goal is to advance our Kingdom through Natural Law.

[ LEARN MORE ] - 13 minister Council 

We are currently inviting private members from within our larger freedom community to participate in our cooperative.  We collectively provide investment opportunities to build intentional communities based on natural law, off grid living and permaculture designs so to optimize the community’s utility, function and production.  

Our Campus is for our private PmC members.  We provide opportunities to those who want to experience the power of community, we provide a space to learn, worship, minister, heal and detox.

We celebrate privacy, security, and prosperity.

The campus is for our P.m.C members and invited guests.


All investments, material, or monetary are logged into our living ledger witnessed and autograph so that your value is recognized and accounted for. 

[ LEARN MORE ] - 888 PmC Investments 

Opportunities Include

  • Glamping
  • Off Grid Emersion
  • Outdoor & Agricultural Skill Development  
  • Star Gazing 
  • Yurts
  • Geodesic domes
  • Wigwams
  • Teepees
  • Wofati’s - Wofatti’s are more permanent structures for mountain and alpine environments great for blending into landscape. Inexpensive materials, labour intensive.  [ LEARN MORE ] - What is Wofati?
  • Events
  • Outdoor Classes
  • & More...

Our cooperative provides empowerment to our ministers and members through growth and development.  We have ongoing classes/exercises  of the setup and takedown of a small village.  These projects provide personal/Team building skills, community empowerment and further growth to be repeated for others to replicate.  Members get to experience the power of community while experiencing true liberty.   The goal is to further optimize our expansions into other communities looking to replicate the PmC model.  

[ LEAR MORE ] - 888 PmC Membership

Having a well made non permanent shelter can be very advantageous. Names to consider are geodesic domes from Pacific Domes www.pacificdomes.com as well as groovy yurts www.groovyyurts.com/ and http://biome-canada.ca/products/the-yurt/ 3 Reputable Companies.

[ LEARN MORE ] - Earth Technology Campus

A vision for the project is a community dome at the center, with other smaller domes, yurts and teepees surrounding.

10-12 non permanent shelters with 4-6 being rented out at any given time for other guests and like minded groups so they can begin their immersion at the Campus, come for ministry / seminary.

[ LEARN MORE ] - PmC Private Classes

Other Investment Opportunities include green house food production utilizing the industries best performing & durable materials while being affordable. Energy for cooling and heating will be provided from the earth bank cooling and heating techniques which is not to be confused with geothermal terminology. Materials for greenhouse are $9-10/sqft. Well below the industries average for commercial greenhouses. Several 2000-5000sqft greenhouses would be acceptable.

[ LEARN MORE ] - Pure Leafology

Goal is to raise $200+/K with our members for non permanent shelters and green house materials. This investment can be leveraged with banks to raise an additional $150-200K so we can do a group to get the best possible value for our purchase. We have a business vehicle with great assets, great credit rating, and 3+ years of financials. We also have an experienced business coach to help with the leverage. The idea would be to raise $500,000.

"Equal Voice Equal Share Equal Rights."

17 products

17 products